The Shapeoko 2: Part 3 - Stuff
My initial efforts at carving things with the Shapeoko 2 involved graph paper and manually entering coordinates into a text editor. My goal was to teach myself more about g-code and how it worked. I succeeded, though the process as a bit annoying and difficult. What I could produce this way as fairly simple, though yielded some interesting results. One of the first patterns was just an attempt and creating nesting squares and diamonds to see how a 1/8" mill bit would cut through craft plywood. Since it did pretty well, I ended up using craft plywood for a lot of my tests. It's cheap, sands well, and I can use one piece multiple times, provided my tests are really small. I ended up making 6 of the test pattern and gluing them into a cube. I'd put a photo of it here but I haven't taken one of it yet. My wife took it into school and might have left it there. Also shown here is a really tiny version. I used a printed circuit board milling bit that was 0.8 of a millim...