A while back I ordered an Attiny 2313 from Adafruit . Along with it I ordered a USBtinyISP to program it. For whatever reason I could never get the thing working. The process involved downloading AVRDude , WinAVR , and various steps of setup. After getting everything installed & following the instructions carefully, I still couldn't get it to work. I did submit some questions on Adafruit's forum & got some answers, but I suspect the problem was either I'd made a mistake in assembling the USBtinyISP or just my general lack of understanding of what was going on. It was also possible I'd wrecked the chip, so I gave up after a while. Later I decided it might have been better to take myself out of the equation, so again I ordered another programmer and some chips, this time from Sparkfun: a Pocket AVR programmer , another Attiny 2313 and an Attiny85 . So far I've not gotten around to trying out their AVR programmer & until recently the chips staye...