CNC Mill: the Shapeoko 2
So I finally broke down and bought a CNC mill. I've been debating getting one for a while. Not sure why, but I wanted to start working with making things with "subtractive" processes instead of "additive". So a CNC mill vs. a 3D printer. I will eventually get a 3D printer, but not until I have a better handle on how to use the CNC mill. I've been following the Shapeoko project for a while and it seemed like a good place to start. They've gone through several iterations and have come up with a system that seemed to work well. They are about to come out with the 3rd iteration of their CNC mill, but since it wasn't out at the time I ordered, I got a Shapeoko 2. I ordered the full kit from . It took about 10 days for them to assemble the order and then a couple more to send it. Upon receiving it I understood why. You get a 30 pound box full of dozens of zip lock bags. Every piece of it is in pretty much the most disassembled state ...