CNC Process
Here's yet another CNC post, this time about process. While I've been having fun turning images into carvings, I've been following a process. This post is about that process, or the steps I take from image to carving. It's worth mentioning also that I am able to complete all these steps with free software. While I will likely end up buying some more sophisticated software in the future at some point, I have done so yet. To be honest, I am not sure what software would be best - and there are a lot of options out there. So for now, I use a process that involves using free software. Also worth noting is that all the software is Windows based, though much of it has versions that can be run on Mac or Linux. Here are the steps I typically follow Find an image Convert the image to a silhouette Convert the silhouette to a vector image Convert the vector image to g-code Run the g-code and carve Let's take them one at a time. Step one: Find an ...